It's been a long I've seen someone content in his/her life. Someone who says that whatever is there, is sufficient, is everything that person wished for.. We've been in a virtual race from the time we're born till the time we face our death.
Lets just contemplate what we've expressed gratitude for. Considering my story, I just moved out of home; away from my family, friends and loved ones.. Not that there is any loved one 
. I now cook my own food, do my own chores but I understand now that I have not appreciated whatever I had until I lost it all recently. That maa k haath ka khana; value of that is understood when you eat the burnt food that you made, the screw ups in all the dishes that you cooked. The time when mom scolded to make your bed every single day for decades and when you do the same for a week you get shit tired. That feeling of your mother's hands on your head when you need it the most, when you wished to be with them the most.. And suddenly I realised I've never ever thanked her for all this.. I was a fool to think that all this is her duty and she's compelled to do this because of that. I was so naive to understand the mere fact that it's her love that made her do this relentlessly for years..

You remember that time when you were getting beat up in school or in your society compound, getting bullied at college and you had your brother or sister to stand by your side, to be your aide in all the stuff, to be your strength, to beat up the one who laid a finger on you. I do remember my brother standing up for me but I don't remember me thanking him enough for all he did. Whatever screw ups you do whatever demands you had, he was the partner in crime. But I forgot to think that before complaining about him to my mom when we grew up. I forgot that he's my big brother, the support my backbone at times you need the most. I never thanked him enough. Thanks bhai.

It takes nothing to complain about all the bullshit that you face but it's not so difficult to thank for the bullshit you didn't face because you had someone to take care of you. Be it your mom, dad, brother, sister, BFF, or even just a colleague. So just thank them after reading this. And if they permit
give them a hug too and tell them how important they are and what they have done for you is commendable.